Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Creative Canvas By You - Russellville, KY ($$$)

We've established that "I" like to paint, and I had taken several of Lisa Haley-Miller's Creative Canvas By You paint classes/paint party's over the past few years and she even did a March of Dimes fundraiser for me several years ago, but it wasn't until this summer that I got M involved.

Lisa has always welcomed kids at her party's but at $35-$40 a seat, was it worth it for my 4 year old, who honestly is just beginning to color in the lines, to go to a paint party??

I took the chance this summer when Lisa held several Kid Art Camp classes, one 3 day event in Russellville and one 3 day camp in Hopkinsville, specifically for kids age 4 and up.

She always welcomes kids to any of her classes, but this was specifically for kids, drop your kids off even, and let them be creative.....without mom or dad around.

I didn't want to commit to an entire 3 day camp, at $80 I believe, so we opted for one night in Russellville for $35 to see how this would work for my 4 year old.

M had decided on an Owl Door Hanger prior to the event, so it was there waiting for her with the lines traced on when she arrived.  Thankfully a friend from Todd County was there as well, and they found seats next to each other and I left them to it.

What's great about Lisa and her crew is that, well, they can fix about anything that you might screw up while painting.  This is especially fabulous for small kiddos, but still handy for those of us over 16 as well!

Since I wasn't there, I'm unsure on how much of the finished project was truly my child vs Lisa's magic, but in the end, M was happy and had a ball and we had a really cute door hanger worth the $35 the class cost.

Lisa offers a ton of different kid themed projects that many times are offered at most of her posted open paint party's.  You can always grab your friends and book your own as well, but just know that it is a kid friendly place to let some of their creative juices flow.

Here's the group from that night with their works of art!

The Creative Canvas Facebook page can be found HERE.

  • Wear clothes you don't mind getting paint on
  • Don't get hung up in how well you are painting, they are always there to help fix "issues"
  • Have fun and just let the kids paint and have fun
  • Prepare to be there for 2-3 hours

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