Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Jefferson Davis Monument State Park - Fairview, KY (FREE)

The Jefferson Davis Monument is probably somewhere that most everyone has been to at some point but rarely ever goes.

I started taking M there about 2 years ago.  She was fascinated with the monument when we would drive by......and according to her Goofy lives in it.  Weird, Rapunzel would make much more sense, but regardless, we had to go.

I'm considering this FREE because once you go up, I don't see a need to go up in the monument every time, but if it is new to you and the kids, its worth the $3 for you and $2 for kids to get to say they went up and got to point out Pilot Rock and see Elkton from afar.

Since we are past going up in the monument, what do we actually "do" there?

I just really love the wide open space and it's fun to walk, run, skip around with the kids and see what all you can find.  One particular spring day we just sat around in the grass and made clover necklaces, bracelets and crowns and watched the clouds go by.  In my opinion, these are what memories are made of!

It's just a good place to let their imaginations run.

Obviously there is the play ground, and it's actually in really good shape, some of the grills that surround the pavilions are not that great, and a few of the benches have seen better days but it always seems to be clean and pretty well kept.

They do rent out the two pavilions if you want to have an event there.  There's a smaller one and the larger pavilion.   I actually opted to have M's 4th birthday party here, the kids were able to play on the play ground and run around and fly kites I brought (another great thing to do there in the spring especially on the front lawn), we grilled hot dogs and had an Easter Egg Hunt for the kiddos.

It was perfect, cheap, and I didn't have to clean my house : )  For a bunch of 4 years olds, it was "awesome."

The bathrooms on site now are also pretty clean every time I've been in them, so that's also a big plus!

One of my favorite things as a kid, and M does the same thing now, is to jump around on the exposed limestone rocks in different areas of the park.  There's a ton up around the playground and others down on the East side of the park.  M had me playing Captain Hook and Wendy with her last night when we stopped by after school for a picnic and to play.

It's probably not somewhere that you will spend hours and hours, but it's a great place for the kids to be kids, to use their imaginations again and unplug from technology and just play.

Take some time one afternoon and just let them be kids.

Also, this time of year by around 5:30 the playground is actually shaded by the trees and it was a great time to be there.  No one else was even at the park, we had it all to ourselves : )

They don't really have a true Facebook page, but there are some details listed HERE.

  • Good to take a blanket, have a picnic, let the kids play on the playground
  • Going up in the monument is a sight to see and worth the $3 to do it at least once
  • Take plenty of drinks
  • Have a scavenger hunt or fly some kites, having a slight plan will make it that much more fun

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